Explore How to Think bigger in work and life
The brain is our universe; without it, we are worthless. So, don’t be worthless if you have one. Well, this isn’t quoted. Do you know? how many things you can do with the help of a brain. Let’s see, with the help of the brain you can create an illusion, and with the help of the brain, you can turn the imaginary thing into reality. That’s why I would like to insist you think bigger not only at the workstation but also in life. I know a lot of people have a different opinion about that. Like one of my friends, he told that “do not build the castle.in the air” while I was telling him my plan. I am sure, you have heard this phrase from many people. As per my experience, think bigger is one the cornerstone of very great success. That’s not only my it says so many successful people.
“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” ~ Donald Trump
I know most people don’t like Donald Trump because of their behavior or some other reason. But he is an extremely successful businessman. Also, you can ask any motivator or leader everyone has the same answer. Because when you don’t think you won’t act and if you don’t act you won’t be successful. Thinking bigger means, you are dreaming about something consciously and have the ability to visualize what you can accomplish on an audacious scale. It’s all about looking for opportunities with an open mind. If you underestimated what you can attain in the long term, it means we are disrespecting our capability.
Also, don’t let other people come into your mind so that they can tell you what you should do or not. Otherwise, you don’t even think anymore. Do you want to be a guy? who just follows the boss’s instructions or you want to be a guy who is more important for the boss? It’s all up to you. If you are an entrepreneur. Well, I don’t need to explain because you know the importance of it.
How can we think bigger in work and life?
No one can measure your limit. There is the only way you can figure out by getting things done. Then why everyone keeps saying to us, “don’t dream, live in reality.” Well, because they don’t know what is your limits? We have grown in the society where we have been told us entire life. This how we live life. this is why we set limitations for ourselves. Setting limitations won’t let you think bigger.
Suppose that, some people (big thinkers) get assigned the role by you. But later you find out, you are not necessarily seeing yourself in the role. Why? According to Forbes, Michael Port has explained. He said Reason could be anything like the voice of judgment, weird work environment, colleague keeps telling you why the thing does not get better, even your own internalized sound saying you something.
However, in order to develop the belief, we have to forget our self-imposed limitations like It’s never going to happen, this task too risky, and this job is too tough. Stop thinking like that and try to do it as much as possible. Here are some best Michael Port’s strategies which you should follow.
Find supportive co-worker
We know that a positive peer network is very important for work. It helps us a lot. Michael Port says, when you ask help from people, you are just asking for approval. However, if you really want results, you need to be stress-free with the feedback of anyone asking you to think bigger. Most of the people think supportive co-worker means, whenever or whatever I ask for help, they should say “yes”. I am not denying point here, but If you really want to boost your career, you make them say to you “today you did a great job, I think you could improve yourself.” Believe me, if this sentence, once you hear from your colleagues. You feel totally different. At the time you will start to think bigger.
Set the right kind of goals
As I said earlier, think bigger without someone asking. That doesn’t mean, you have to set wildly ambitious stretch goals to make yourself inspired. However, people sometimes dream unrealistic goals for their selves and in the end, they get the miserable result. While setting goals, they compare with others and set high-level goals because it makes them happy. But they always feel unsatisfied with their goals. Eventually, you what happens. My point is why are you setting goals by comparing yourself to others. The goal means the desired result envision by a person or group that can be achieved by giving effort. In order to follow goals, you should have steatites. We set unrealistic goals because we have an unrealistic expectation in this situation, you feel that you would fail. So, we should not set yourself up for disappointment by setting unrealistic huge goals. Instead set goals by being realistic.
Try to Feel comfortable with discomfort
As you know that the first step is the most difficult step. All you can do is show up. Because showing up will little less stressful. One more thing, if possible, try to make the decision by yourself, it is better than have someone to make the decision for you. Do not try to quite instead find the solution in a different way. As you can see most of the people think that it is too risky, I cannot do that. Don’t do it. Because they are expecting way more. Being in comfort, we become a scary person. That’s why successful people say think out of the box. Thinking out of the box is painful but once you achieve; you will be proud of yourself. Also, recognize your improvement, it will help you stay motivated.
“You need to step out of your comfort zone in order to become stronger and grow.”
Become the person others want to help
As you know that thinking big requires better understanding. Suppose that you have a big project. And I’m sure you are not going to accomplish it on your own. It means you have to involve some inspiring people to help. So how can you do that? As per my experience, it’s all about what you have attuited and reliability. What you have to do is make a commitment and try to full fill them. In order to learn action, you have to deal with your own voice judgment. Also, remove those habits like how my colleges are going to react when I tell them the truth. or what my bosses say about the project. Because imagination is way more different than reality.
Keep adding the skills
Learning never ends until death. So do not stop adding skills. Sometimes we feel behind in front of our colleagues. Why do we feel? Because you are not improving your knowledge. Have you ever thought about it? if I have this skill, I could do better than others. I’m sure you have. A lot of people don’t think bigger because they don’t have the skills to pursue the dream. So, do not think like that. If you think you should have this skill, well, go and find an online teacher who can teach you whenever you want. There are tons of websites out there, they teach you through video. Do not make excuse otherwise at all.
“You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.”~ Jim Rohan
Allocate time to thinking big
We make a “to-do list” every day that allows us to follow. That’s really good habits. However, spending time with ourselves is very important, in this way you can focus on goals and imagine how to look like your achievement in the future. By thinking you will review your work and find out what you are doing, this you want or not. After getting things done, take glass water, and sit alone where you don’t have a mobile or internet connection. Think about your work and the new steps which you are going to take. You might be feeling bored with the job. So, think about how to covert bad feelings into happiness? By owning this habit, you will feel a lot better and become creative.
“Review your goals twice every day in ordered to be focused on achievement them.” ~ Les Brown.
Ground yourself in reality
Like I said before, be realistic about what you are getting an actionable opinion. And try to move ahead by taking the next steps. This is knowns as a convergent phase. If I am saying “ground yourself a reality.” which means, you have to figure out what kinds of big opportunity you want to challenge? When you think bigger, it occupies a divergent of brainstorming space a different reality. At the place, you won’t get in the wrong answers. So, you have to move from the divergent to solidly based in reality. Once you start to follow these actions regularly, divergent thinking will bring you a better idea and improve your confidence level.
“when you are being creative nothing is wrong.” ~ john Cleese
Identify the steps
Most of the people without thinking the create their own path and try to run on it. This is not a good idea because doing a hurry, it won’t let you achieve the goal. if you have huge goals, you have to procrastinate on tackling it unless you get the first step. Also, you need to know about the step that is you going to take. Suppose that you have just started a company where you have to create the very first product. What would you like to do? First, you will search for the product. Then you think it is possible to create or we have to hire some people. You are supposed to do that if you got the idea to follow the goal. Try to identify them as much as possible. Otherwise, you are going to give up the goal during the first step.
“The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exits.” ~ Zig Ziglar
Try to divide the goal in a different part
I know you have a big goal. Something like that creates a big company or becoming a great actor like tom cruise. To achieve this goal, you have to focus on a specific goal. Suppose that you want to be a superstar, how can you do? You are not going to give audition directly. First, you have to learn acting skills. second, you are going to implement the skill. Then you will give an audition. In this process, you have to be honest about yourself. let’s see, you have just started to learn acting. So, you should focus on a particular goal until you finish. Then you are going to move forward. Following this process, your goal becomes super easier.
Make yourself stronger
As I have mentioned that the brain is a more important thing. With the help of a brain, we have created history. Also, we have to feel healthy. Because without a healthy lifestyle, you can’t achieve your goal. However, following a few steps, you can feel improve your productivity and confidence level. Here are some few steps
Mediation: in order to the following goal, you need strong concentration by doing meditation regularly, you will improve the focus and feel more confident than now. The mediation also improves our thinking power.
physical activity and healthy food: if you are trying to achieve you have to feel energetic all the time so that you can take the decision immediately. By exercise and eating healthy food, you will energetic all the time.
When we follow our goal, we get failed but that doesn’t mean you are going to stop thinking. As you can see that so many leaders or successful people have got fail by chasing a goal. However, they have achieved. So do not get upset after getting failed. Keep trying I’m sure you are going to be very successful in life.