Oceans are getting warmer: temperature hits a record higher than Hiroshima bombs.
Ocean Warming, the very serious problem of the environment today; starts with the absorption of the excessive heat from greenhouse gas emissions and it leads to a rise in ocean temperatures. The heat and high temperature in the oceans reached a new record level in the year 2019, showing that the “irrefutable and accelerating” which is harmful heating for the planet. The world’s oceans, which are around the border of so many countries are the clearest measure of the environmental and climate emergency.
This is because they absorb overall 93% of the heat trapped by the hazardous greenhouse gases emitted by fossil fuel burning in these cities. Another major cause of this climate change is forest destruction and non-environmental human activities.
The new analysis and reports on climate change show that the past five years are the top five warmest years. However, they are recorded warmer for the ocean and the overall past 10 years are the topmost years on record. The amount of heat, which is being trapped and added to the oceans is equivalent to very high scales; it is like every person on the planet is under the attack of an atom bomb or they are running at 100 degrees of microwave ovens heat all day and night.
How did it start?
The ocean absorbs around the very vast quantity of the heat as a result of that the increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases involved in the atmosphere. The root cause of this problem mainly starts from fossil fuel consumption. The Fifth Assessment Report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that is (IPCC) in the year 2013 revealed that the ocean had absorbed more than 93% of the excessive heat from greenhouse gas emissions since the 1970s. This is the root cause of ocean temperatures rising.
Why this concern is important?
Ocean warming leads to deoxygenation at the sea level by a reduction in the amount of oxygen dissolved in the ocean and sea-level (temperature) rise. This simply results in the thermal expansion of seawater and continental ice melting. The rising temperature at sea coupled with ocean acidification. Hence, it decreases the pH level of the ocean due to its uptake of CO2 and affects marine species. Therefore, the ecosystems and the fundamental benefits humans derive from the oceans affected.
The bad consequences of excess heat, which is the result of greenhouse gas emissions is the main concern of today.
The bad result of this climate danger affects the marine fishes, seabirds who wonders for food and marine mammals around the seashore. All of them face very high risks of their lives from increasing temperatures of oceans. This whole situation simply causes a high level of mortality loss, breeding loos for them and mass decline movements as species. Hereby, it is very important to save the environment for them and make it favorable environmental conditions. The coral reef, which is an underwater ecosystem also affected by increasing temperatures. Therefore, it causes coral bleaching and increases their risk of mortality on reef colonies underwater.
What can be done for this problem?
Protecting marine and coastal ecosystems
Well-structured and protected areas can help you to conserve and protect ecologically and biologically habitats of marine life. This is required because they are more in danger than humans are. This thing includes the human activities in these habitats and prevents environmental degradation by protecting them and limiting the use of greenhouse affecting things in society.
Restoring marine and coastal ecosystems
Elements of ecosystems have already collapsed and damage, but they can be restored. They can be restored by building artificial structures such as big or small rock pools that work as a surrogate habitat for the ocean species. On the other hand, the boosting and resilience of species to warmer temperatures makes their breeding affected, so if the government plans for restoring the area then it will be very good for a marine habitat.
Strengthening scientific research
For a climatic change, the governments for their sea areas can increase the budget for scientific research to investments in the research. This thing will help them in measuring and monitoring ocean warming and its effects. Hence, the research will provide more precise data on the scale to tackle the problem. It will make the scientists understand the nature and impacts of ocean warming; making it possible to design and implement adequate and appropriate mitigation and adaptation strategies for the future.