Google doesn’t care about college degree
What would you like most degree or talent? Well, I’m sure you are about to say “talent” because talent helps you to win the world. But the degree is just a piece of paper that helps us to conveyance people we are educated in a particular subject. Today I’m going to talk about the world’s biggest multinational company called Google.
This company also thinks something like that what I have told earlier. Google is a search engine and software company. It was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Most people believe it is the best place to work in. So, do you have a dream to work with Google? Well, if you have, then I have got good news for those people. you don’t have to go Ivey or Harvard to get a job at Google. Because Google doesn’t care about the college degree. The company is only concerned about your skills.
As you can see, this era is all about creativity and entrepreneurship. There are many companies offering well-paying jobs to those people. they basically breaking old traditions. We all know that college knowledge is completely different from industrial knowledge.
I was reading a Glassdoor article where Google’s former SVP of people operations Laszlo Bock said “When you look who don’t go school and make their way into the world, those are an exceptional human being and we should do everything we can find those people.” if I say in short, Google respects all those people who are creative, even they don’t have any degree. For your information, it isn’t only Google offering jobs, according to CNBC, 12 companies have mentioned that they no longer require employees to have a college degree.
Let’s know more about Google
According to Wikipedia, Google LLC is an American multinational that produces internet related service or product. The company was found in 1998. As you know Google is a booming software company. According to Laszlo Bock from CNN, every year over 2 million people apply to get a job. it is a big number. However, Google only focuses on those people who are passionate about work. It doesn’t matter you have a college degree or high school diploma.
What is the history behind “Not caring college degree”?
Google has become the best choice for employees. This why millennials are curious to know about google. Here Laszlo Bock will help you to know. He says when Google used to be a small company, at the time Google focused a lot on getting a student from Harvard, Stanford, and MIT. He said but it was really bad strategies. He mentioned that experience taught him a lot. He started to hire exceptional people.
Why Google doesn’t care about a college degree?
A lot of people get surprised by hearing that they don’t care about the degree. According to Laszlo Bock, here are some reasons that help you know Google hiring new strategies.
Focus on the skills more than grades
Google has the goal to bring talent on the desk to solve the real-world problems without comparing college degree. In the old tradition, you have seen go to a good college to get a good GPA. You will definitely get a job. However, Laszlo Bock says, Google has shown some data that good GPA predicted performance for one to two years. After cupule of years, don’t matter at all. so, if you really want to go to google door. Focus on skill because you have to solve the real issues there. Google hires people by being realistic.
Google focus on cognitive ability
Google has removed old traditional questions. Actually, when you go for the interviews. Google wants to know your cognitive ability; means how you are going to solve the problems. Basically, the company will give you a little project to solve at a certain time. suppose that you are applying for a job in google for a software developer. It means, they only want you to know how you use algorithms and data structure in the real project. So, if you are thinking that you know how to solve problems effortlessly, google will welcome you.
Management leadership
this idea is all about to do like to take a challenge or not. As you can see when we were in college, we have seen a lot of people some students used to sit in the last row or some talented in front of the blackboard. However, getting in the Google, Bock says, they don’t care, you were president of the student or what. Google only wants you to know that when you see problems what will you do, are you going to step in and short out the problems or step out, let other people take over the problems. That sounds so effective.
Google call Googleyness
As you know most people think ok this job not home. They work for the company for a long time even they don’t like the company. Google has used a work Googleyness, it is called a culture fit. Bock says, Google always give priorities to those people who want to work at this company. this is why Google asks, do you love to work here? Bock added, we actually look for different people, because diversity offers us a wonderful idea. More importantly, people should be humble. When they do something wrong, they admit and go fix this. Bock says we want people to think like an owner, not think like an employee.
Basically, the company like to bring humanity around the world where don’t judge by degree, it’s going to judge what kind of talent do you have. Apple CEO, he always questioning about a college degree. According to a business insider, Tim cook has mentioned, half of apple’s US employment last year did ‘t have a four-year college degree. Linkedin also found out the majority of companies, they like to put a skill on job posts inside of four years degree. In this way, a lot of small companies try to follow this new tradition.